Rabu, 27 Juli 2016

Status FB 26 Juli 2016

Izzatush Shobihah membagikan foto Classic FM.
27 Juli pukul 12:22 · 

Have you ever heard the 'news' about conductor?

"I recall an interview with someone from one of the big orchestras when there was a spate of "vanity conducting": you could pay to conduct the orchestra in a concert.
They claimed that if you paid a lot, they would play it as it was supposed to be played; if you paid a little, they would play it as you conducted."

Perhaps, if you paid a little, the music notes for all instruments turn into these (somniferous) ones. :D

Classic FMSukai Halaman
6 Juli pukul 5:21 · 

Take a rest tonight...

Izzatush Shobihah
26 Juli pukul 15:10 · Jombang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia · 

"Kalau cewek pingin cowok nembak duluan, lalu kenapa ada istilah 'Ladies first!'?"

Itu tandanya emak lu yang diminta maju ke cewek itu, Bro!
Bego dikit napa, cerdasnya yang banyak! -_-

Izzatush Shobihah
26 Juli pukul 8:00 · Jombang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia · 

Pagi-pagi buka inbox, dapat pesan dari manten anyar, yang menurut kabar dia sekarang jadi imam Masjid Kubah Emas Depok. Tentunya sebelum dia jadi juri di Hafidz Indonesia RCTI Ramadhan kemarin. ^_^
Happy wedding, Haq Aidil. Maap telat.
Semoga jadi keluarga sakinah mawaddah rahmah wa barakah. ^_^