Kamis, 05 Januari 2017

Status Facebook 4 Januari 2017

Izzatush Shobihah menambahkan 2 foto baru — bersama Ayu Durrotun Najihah dan 34 lainnya.
4 Januari pukul 14:34 · 

Pesan dari Pak Pray. ^_^
Kalau gambar kurang jelas, bisa langsung kunjungi grup Pangea. :)

Monggo dikolang-koling teman-teman seangkatannya. :)


Izzatush Shobihah
4 Januari pukul 13:23 · 

Udah terlalu mainseterim jualan kalender bekas.
Sekarang kalender yang dicari-cari adalah kalender yang angkanya merah semua.
Bolehlah ada yang hitam satu dalam sebulan, pokoknya pas gajian.

Izzatush Shobihah
4 Januari pukul 11:17 · 

"Pendidikan itu menawar takdir-menerima qadha'."
-Prof. Ahmad Zahro, 20 Oktober 2012, kuliah Landasan Islam Ketarbiyahan

Mmmm.... Jodoh termasuk qadha' atau qadar?

Jika masuk qadha', berarti kalau gagal nikah tahun ini, bisa nikah tahun depan (qadha' mu'allaq).

Jika termasuk qadar, berarti jodoh ada tawarannya. Allah nyediain beberapa orang (bisa 5-6 orang, terserah Allah lah) yang digadang-gadang jadi jodoh kita. Jadi, tenang aja, bukan cuma satu orang.
Kalau kitanya baik, orang terbaik dari 'persediaan' itu akan jadi pasangan kita.
Kalau kitanya ndableg, ya dapet yang nakal juga. Paling-paling Allah ngasih bonus berupa kesempatan 'ngincip' yang baik dulu, trus dapet yang layak buat kita.
Terima kasih, Prof, atas ilmunya 4 tahun lalu.
Untuk generasi galau jodoh, saya hanya bisa mengabadikan ilmu ini di selembar kertas MiMpikU, hal. 149. :)


Izzatush Shobihah memperbarui bionya.
4 Januari pukul 10:18 · 

Learning to be an effective, not busy, one. ;)

Izzatush Shobihah
4 Januari pukul 8:46 · Keepo.me · 

Ooo, jadi aku masih saudaraan sama Min Hyuknya CN Blue itu?
Makanya sama-sama ganteng. :D :D
Masih heran aja dapet marga Kang. Kenapa gak Lee, Choi, atau Kim aja?
Kali aja pernah seemak sebapak sama Minho, Siwon, atau Jong Un. *eh*


Izzatush Shobihah
4 Januari pukul 7:32 · 

Busy people act as if they had a serious mission
Effective people have a mission for their whole life

Busy people have numerous priorities
Effective people have a couple of priorities

Busy people respond with 'yes' very quickly
Effective people think twice before saying 'yes'

Busy people are focused on action
Effective people are focused on the clarity of the action

Busy people keep all doors open
Effective people close all the doors

Busy people keep talking about how busy they are
Effective people let the results speak for themselves

Busy people alwasy say they don't have enough time
Effective people spend their time on what is really important

Busy people are multitaskers
Effective people concentrate on one important goal

Busy people immediately answer every message they get
Effective people take their time to come up with a good answer

Busy people want everyone around them to be busy
Effective people want everyone around them to be effective

Busy people try to please the naysayers
Effective people try to please the client

Busy people talk about upcoming changes
Effective people constantly grow and make changes

Busy people ask for advice
Effective people take real actions and get the job done



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